Chocolate Macarons

Chocolate macarons, cocoa macarons, macarons with cocoa, ...whatever you want to call them, this is an easy recipe using Italian meringue (so we'll need a thermometer!).

  • 216 g Sugar

  • 65 g Water

Boil together until they reach 118 C.

  • 81 g Egg White

Put in the bowl of a stand mixer, foam it slightly (start when the sugar syrup is about 105 C) and pour the sugar syrup over, in a thin stream. Mix until the composition cools down and the bowl can be touched by hand (it is no longer hot)

  • 200 g Almond Flour

  • 200 g Powder Sugar

  • 33 g Cocoa

Sieve several times and mix in a bowl.

  • 81 g Egg White

Mix it with the dry ingredients.

Pour the meringue over the dry ingredients and mix until a composition of the consistency of lava is formed (when it flows from the spatula, it should be able to form the figure 8). Pipe the macarons and let them dry for at least 30 minutes., then bake at 150C with fan, for 15 min.

  • 150 g Chocolate 55% cocoa

  • 180 g Cream

  • 30 g Butter

Melt them together to make a ganache. Leave at room temp and then use to fill the macarons.


Egyptian Cake


Amandine Chocolate Cake